
Fund name Asset Management
Term Invesment Policy

SCB Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

Kasikorn Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

Krung Thai Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

Krung Thai Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

Krung Thai Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

Aberdeen Asia Pacific Equity - Retirement Mutual Fund
Aberdeen Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Nov 15

Krung Thai Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

Bualuang Equity RMF
Bualuang Indefinite (Open-Ended) The fund emphasizes on long term investment mainly in growth or good fundamental companies. The fund will maintain on average at least 65% of Net Asset Value in both listed or unlisted equity related securities while the rest will be invested in debt securities, deposits or other financial assets as specified or approved by the office of SEC.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_May 10
Bualuang Flexible RMF
Bualuang Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in equity related securities and fixed-income securities , deposits, or other financial assets, as specified or approved by the office of SEC. Equity portion, depending on capital market situation, can be range from 0 percent to 100 percent of the Net Asset Value of the fund.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_May 10
Bualuang Infrastructure RMF
Bualuang Indefinite (Open-Ended) The fund emphasizes on long term investment in companies which relate to infrastructure of Thai economic system, including the property, commucations, energy and transportion sectors. The fund will maintain on average at least 65% of Net Asset Value in equity related securities while the rest will be invested in debt securities, deposits or other financial assets as specified or approved by office of the SEC.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_May 10
Bualuang Equity 25% RMF
Bualuang Indefinite (Open-Ended) The fund emphasizes on medium to long term investment in equity related securities and fixed income instruments ,deposits or other financial assets as approved by the office of SEC. The fund will maintain on average at least 75% of Net Asset Value in fixed income and will invest not over 25% i of Net Asset Value n equity at any time.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_May 10
Bualuang Fixed-income RMF
Bualuang Indefinite (Open-Ended) The fund emphasizes on medium to long term investment in fixed income instruments isssued by gorverment, government agencies and good fundamental companies, deposits or other financial assets as approved by the office of SEC. The fund will only invest in investment grade bond with credit rating not lower than A minus. The fund shall not invest in derivatives or structured note.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_May 10
Bualuang Gold RMF
Bualuang Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in SPDR Gold Trust (\"foreign fund\") listed in Singaporewhich is established and managed by World Gold Trust Services, LLC
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
6 - 17 May 2010

Bualuang Money Market RMF
Bualuang Indefinite (Open-Ended) The Fund emphasizes on short term debt instruments such as Government Bonds, Financial Institution Debts, Highly secured Corporate Debts and also in Bank Deposit in Thai Banks and Aboard Banks. The term of bank deposit is not over 1 year. The Fund try to have WAM (Weighted Average Maturity) not over 180 days
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_May 10
K Equity RMF
Kasikorn Indefinite (Open-Ended) The Fund shall invest, on average in an accounting period, at least 65 % of its asset in equity market and may invest not exceeding 25% of NAV in foreign assets. The rest will be invested in fixed-income and money market. The fund will primarily invest in good fundamental assets yielding suitable return in comparing with their risks. The fund may invest in derivatives for efficient portfolio management and shall not invest in structured notes.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

K Balanced RMF
Kasikorn Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in equity, fixed income or money market instruments under SEC rules and regulations. At any point in time, the fund will invest no more than 40% of the portfolio in equity and non-investment fixed-income instrument.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

K Government Bond RMF
Kasikorn Indefinite (Open-Ended) To mainly invest in government bonds or bonds guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance or other fixed income instruments that have equivalent or lower risk level. The remaining portion will be invested in instruments according to SEC regulations
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

KASSET Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in SPDR Gold Trust Fund not less than 80 percents of Net Asset Value
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

Aberdeen Smart Capital Retirement Mutual Fund
Aberdeen Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in a broadly diversifi ed portfolio of high fundamental common stocks constituting at least 65% of the fund’s NAV. The rest of capital will be invested in other securities or assets according to the SEC’s notifi cations.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Nov 15
Aberdeen Smart Income-Retire ment Mutual Fund
Aberdeen Indefinite (Open-Ended) Invest in government bonds, state enterprise bonds or debentures that guaranteed by Ministry of Finance not less than the average of 50% of NAV on average in any accounting periods.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Nov 15
The Krung Thai Shariah Retirement Mutual Fund
Krung Thai Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

The Krung Thai Fixed Income RMF 2
Krung Thai Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

The Krung Thai Mixed Fund RMF 1
Krung Thai Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

Equity Retirement Mutual Fund
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) Aim to invest in listed companies with strong fundamental and high growth potential.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Jul 15
Government Bond Retirement Mutual Fund
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) Aim to invest mainly in government and/or government guaranteed bonds
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Jul 15
Saving Retirement Mutual Fund
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) Aim to invest mainly in short-term fixed income instruments of government agencies and corporate with strong fundamental.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Jul 15
Capital Protection Retirement Mutual Fund 1
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) The Fund will be separated to 2 investment portions, -1st Portion (Capital Protection Portion):Aim to invest(buy and hold to maturity) not less than 75% of NAV in Government and/ or Government guaranteed bonds with maturity closed to 5 years and matching to the fund investment cycle. This portion will generate capital protection for the initil investment money at the end of each investment cycle. 2nd Portion (Yield Enhancement Portion): The remaining after the first portion which shall not exceed 25% of NAV will be invested in stock markets or other securities to enhance long term return.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every 5 years (Waived subscription spread)

- Factsheet_Jul 15
Capital Protection Retirement Mutual Fund 2
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) The Fund will be separated to 2 investment portions, 1st Portion (Capital Protection Portion):Aim to invest(buy and hold to maturity) not less than 80% of NAV in Government and/ or Government guaranteed bonds with maturity closed to 5 years and matching to the fund investment cycle. This portion will generate capital protection for the initil investment money at the end of each investment cycle. 2nd Portion (Yield Enhancement Portion): The remaining after the first portion which shall not exceed 25% of NAV will be invested in stock markets.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every 5 years (Waived subscription spread)

- Factsheet_Jul 15
Capital Protection Retirement Mutual Fund 4
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) The Fund will be separated to 2 investment portions, 1st Portion (Capital Protection Portion): Aim to invest(buy and hold to maturity) not less than 80% of NAV in Government and/ or Government guaranteed bonds with maturity closed to 5 years and matching to the fund investment cycle. This portion will generate capital protection for the initil investment money at the end of each investment cycle. 2nd Portion (Yield Enhancement Portion): The remaining after the first portion which shall not exceed 20% of NAV will be invested in stock markets
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every 5 years (Waived subscription spread)

- Factsheet_Jul 15
Capital Protection Retirement Mutual Fund 5
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) The Fund will be separated to 2 investment portions, 1st Portion (Capital Protection Portion): Aim to invest(buy and hold to maturity) not less than 80% of NAV in Government and/ or Government guaranteed bonds with maturity closed to 5 years and matching to the fund investment cycle. This portion will generate capital protection for the initil investment money at the end of each investment cycle. 2nd Portion (Yield Enhancement Portion): The remaining after the first portion which shall not exceed 20% of NAV will be invested in stock markets or other securities to enhance long term return.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every 5 years (Waived subscription spread)

- Factsheet_Jul 15
UOB Saving RMF
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) The fund will emphasize to invest in short term government fixed incomes.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Jul 15
UOB Government Bond RMF
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) The fund will invest in Government and Corporate Fixed Incomes where fund manager will adjust portfolio duration to be suitable for market situation.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Jul 15
UOB Equities RMF
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) The fund will invest in undervalued equities of good fundamental sectors which have dividend a payment policy and good corporate governance.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Jul 15
MFC Retirement Bond Fund
MFC Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in Government Bonds or instruments quaranteed by Government and-or deposits.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Aug 09
MFC Capital Protection Retirement Mutual Fund
MFC Indefinite (Open-Ended) major portion to be invest in debt instrument and some to be invest in equity.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
/ Redem Last Friday of May / Nov

- Factsheet_Feb 09
MFC Retirement Fixed Income Fund
MFC Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in Government Bonds or instruments guaranteed by Government and-or deposits.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Aug 09
MFC Retirement Saving Fund
MFC Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in Government Bonds or instruments guaranteed by Government and-or deposits.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Aug 09
MFC Retirement Value Fund
MFC Indefinite (Open-Ended) mainly invest in value stocks
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Aug 09
ONE Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in deposit or fixed income instruments with the maturity of the investment either on demand or not greater than 1 year following the date of investment.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

ONE Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in fixed income instruments which provide high yield under acceptable risk such as promissory notes, bills of exchange, bonds and debentures.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

ONE Indefinite (Open-Ended) Seeking medium to long-term investment in both listed and non-listed stocks with high growth potential, for 65% of the net asset value
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

ASP Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in Equity at least 65 percent of NAV
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: every working day

ASP Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in fixed income and/or deposit.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: every working day

ASP Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in both equity and fixed income.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: every working day

TISCO Equity Growth RMF
TISCO Indefinite (Open-Ended) 65% of the fund shall be invested in listed stocks, besides,the fund shall invest in Government Bond, T-bills, NCD,B/E, hybrid instruments, other debt instruments, and/or deposits or other securities or assets as stated or approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Aug 52
TISCO China India RMF
TISCO Indefinite (Open-Ended) The fund shall invest in Exchange Traded Funds which are listed and traded on foreign exchanges with an objective of tracking the performance of HSCEI Index , MSCI China Index , and MSCI India Index. However, the fund may consider investing in other equity funds which have similar investment policy as mentioned earlier.The fund will invest at least 65% of its NAV in unit trusts and at least 80% of its NAV in offshore securities .Additionally, the fund will not invest in structured note, but may invest in derivatives for hedging purpose only.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Aug 09
TISCO Flexible Portfolio RMF
TISCO Indefinite (Open-Ended) The fund shall be invested in Government Bond, T-bills, NCD, P/N, B/E, other debt instruments, hybrid instruments, equity instruments and/or deposits or other securities or assets as stated or approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Nevertheless, fund manager shall alter the fund portion to fit the market
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Fund Fact Sheet_Aug 52
TISCO Secured Fixed Income RMF
100% of the fund shall be invested in Government Bond, T-bills, NCD, P/N, B/E, other debt instruments and/or deposits or other securities or assets as stated or approved by the SEC. But the fund shall not invest in debt instruments issued/ accepted/ avaled/ or guaranteed by private companies, including subordinated debentures issued by financial institution.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Fund Fact Sheet_Aug 09
TISCO Fixed Income RMF
TISCO Indefinite (Open-Ended) 100% of the fund shall be invested in Government Bond, T-bills, NCD, P/N, B/E, other debt instruments and/or deposits or other securities or assets as stated or approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Fund Fact Sheet_Aug 09
TISCO Asia Pacific ex Japan Retirement Fund
Tisco Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in Lyxor ETF MSCI AC Asia-Pacific ex Japan which is an ETF Fund, registed in HK.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
12-27 Nov 2009

Thai Capital Protection Retirement Mutual Fund 3
UOB Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in both equity and fixed income with captial protection.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
24-30 Nov 2009

- Factsheet_Jul 15
- Yields are approximated and may have changed depend on market sittuation
- Investment in fund is subject to risk. Please see information in the prospectus