
Fund name Asset Management
Term Invesment Policy

ONE Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

ONE Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

ONE Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

Aberdeen Value Fund
Aberdeen Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Nov 15
Aberdeen Flexible Capital Fund
Aberdeen Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_Nov 15

Krung Thai Indefinite (Open-Ended)
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

Bualuang Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invests in equity related securities and fixed-income securities , deposits or other financial assets as specified or approved by office of the SEC. Equity portion, depending on capital market situation, can be ranged from 0 percent to 100 percent of the Net Asset Value of the fund. It is suitable for investors who are willing to take a moderate level of risk.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_JUL 13
Bualuang Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invests in equity related securities and fixed-income securities , deposits, or other financial assets, as specified or approved by the SEC. Equity portion, depending on capital market situation, can be range from 0 percent to 100 percent of the Net Asset Value of the fund. Under conservative management style, the fund may aggressively take advantage of trading securities to enhance return in the volatile market. It is suitable for investors who are willing to take a moderate to high level of risk.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
Every working day Redemption Date: Every working day

- Factsheet_JUL 13
MFC SPOT 10 Series 1 Fund
(SPOT 10S1)
MFC Around 1 year To invest in both equity and fixed income (inbound only).
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
5 – 11 Aug 2009

TISCO Special Bonus Fund
Tisco Around 2 years To invest in both equity (20%) and fixed income (80%).
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
17-24 Sep 2009

MFC SPOT 10 Series 2 Fund
MFC Around 1 year To invest in both equity and fixed income.
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
11 - 17 Nov 2009

MFC Indefinite (Open-Ended) To invest in Equity, Fixed Income and or Deposite
Offering period:
Approximatly Yield:
Equivalent to bank rate (before tax):
18 – 26 Oct 2010

- Yields are approximated and may have changed depend on market sittuation
- Investment in fund is subject to risk. Please see information in the prospectus